Hydration infusions for your Adrenals!


First off: dehydration always needs attention; however, it is essential to be addressed if dealing with adrenal fatigue.
Craving salt or are you feeling more thirsty than usual?
The imbalanced production of the hormone aldosterone being produced because of chronic stress present in your body can cause a cascade effect impacting your electrolytes, specially sodium and potassium – leading to fluid depletion!!
Adrenal Supporting Infusions are a great way to get in minerals (electrolytes) to balance your sodium and potassium, along with vitamin c. Fun fact: your adrenal glands require vitamin c to stay healthy and to produce adrenal hormones that will cope with stress. So, the more cortisol made, the more vitamin c is used up. .
28oz Filtered Water
Lime Slices
Blood Orange (or a regular orange will do)
¼ Teaspoon sea salt
½ Cup Coconut Water (make sure there is no added sugar!- I used @harmlessharvest)
Few sprigs of mint
Infuse for at least 6 hours or overnight. Keeps stored in fridge for 2 days. Enjoy.💧
Isn't it gorgeous?😍😍


Strawberry Lemon Balm Water Infusion.


Hydration Infusion