Blood Orange Infusion

Blood Orange Infusion

Did you know that water consumption is the No. 1 Nutrient Definitely in America? 😩 Water. It is a straight up FACT that you will consume more water if it tastes good! Amiright? I know I'm right here- which is why I do so many electrolyte infusions because - in reality most of us are walking around like dried up raisins. 😩

Pro Tip👉 Water depends on electrolytes to be properly absorbed. Electrolytes (minerals) your "spark" plugs🥳🤸.

When you add minerals (electrolytes) into your h20 it is a pilot that helps transport water to be absorbed- on a cellular level- fun fact it actually needs a lil co pilot such as glucose- which often is why there are Hydration packets with SUGAR. Note you don't need much- very little.

Recipe deets://
32oz Filtered water
PINCH of mineral sea salt- such as Redmond Sea Salt..
1/2 Tsp honey
Half of a sliced up Blood Orange

Infuse for a few hours- top with ice enjoy. Maybe step er up even more add a squeeze of lime. Oh yaaaa.


Sparkling water infusion


Cherry Lime Water Infusion