Dehydrating Soaked & Sprouted Seeds


I love nuts, however; seeds are my jam and I think they often get a bit overlooked as sometimes they can be challenging to digest!

Some healthy seeds to add to your diet- add a handful of these babes with your nuts and you have a perfect Real Food Snack!

  • Chia Seeds

  • Pumpkin Seeds *

  • Sunflower seeds*

  • Hemp Seeds

*Consider sprouting these guys! Sprouting your own seeds not only will save you money (vs. buying them sprouted). Nuts, seeds and grains have things called phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors (anti-nutrients). Which are helpful in the sense that they help prevent them from germinating before they are in their perfect environment. However, less than helpful when we eat them.

Soaking and sprouting your nuts and seeds will help break down most anti-nutrient, increase availability to nutrients and improve the ability to digest them!

Soaking raw nuts & seeds will help activate the sprouting process to make the vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins (you know, all that good stuff we are looking for) more available and more readily absorbed. Plus, I think this just makes them TASTE BETTER!! Like WOW!

  • 1 Quart Mason Jar

  • Sprouting Lid or Nut Milk Bag

  • 1 Cup RAW Seeds such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds

  • 1 Teaspoon Sea Salt


Place raw sunflower seeds in mason jar, fill with cold filtered water and soak for 2-4 hours at room temperate.

Drain and place upside down on the counter, slightly tilted so they can continue to drain. Rinse 2-3 times a day and place back on counter, upside down and tilted. Sprout for 1-2 Days.

Place on fruit leather trays and sprinkle with sea salt. 1/2 to 1 teaspoon (to your liking). Dehydrate at 115 degrees for 8 to 10 hours until seeds are crunchy. Store in airtight container in the fridge. Use within a few weeks.



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