Can a positive memory of a taste food improve your digestion?


Can a memory of a taste improve your digestion and increase your happiness?

Hell yes.

I am positive we have all been on a vacation ate something that was so delicious, we literally crave it for even years after that first bite.

How can a positive memory improve our digestion? Well, because our digestion starts in our brain!

You might think it starts in your mouth! However, your digestion actually begins in your BRAIN!! When you see and smell food your salivary glands start to produce saliva. Your saliva is a complex mixture of electrolytes, hormones and enzyme know as; Salivary Amylase which is the digestive enzyme needed for the breakdown of Carbohydrates! And your mouth is what is considered the physical "gateway" to digestion. Where the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food happens! Your salivary glands work to lubricate the food to aid the esophagus in moving food down to the stomach! Where the breakdown of carbohydrates (with the help of.... Salivary Amylase) will take place. Your teeth take the part in the mechanical breakdown, by chewing your food. When you chew your food (Properly), you take the burden of your stomach later taking on excess work. 

OK, so yes on a less in-depth answer. A memory of a food can improve your digestion. Thinking about when you ate it, where you were and everything that surrounded that moment your salivary glands are already producing saliva.

For me- I live for creating food I ate somewhere.

2 years ago around this time we headed off to Kauai, where we had been training our little tails off to hike the Kalalau trail when Kauai was hit with a record storm washing out the trail. Therefore the backpacking trip itself was canceled. Our trip to Kauai, was not and we were incredibly grateful to still go, yet we were left to scramble some new plans. For me, easy. Kauai- foodie heaven. As I had already planned to somehow squeeze in enough time to incorporate enough sushi, fresh juice, acai bowls, smoothies, fresh salads, coffee made with fresh creamed coconut milk, this feat was easy. We stumbled upon a fresh market to fill our beach bag up with goodies for the day, snagging: chilled green beans & a poke bowl and chilled rose. UNBELIEVABLE. Honestly, I have yet to ever go to Hawaii and ever be disappointed by a meal. Fresh, clean and made with a joyful spirit!


So, here around this time my spirit begins to crave this delicious memory of a side dish. Chilled green beans.


2 Cups Green Beans*- cleaned and tips and tails.

1-2 tablespoons coconut amino

1 tsp toasted sesame oil

Pinch of Red Pepper Flakes

½ Tbsp tsp sesame seeds

¼ Tsp sea salt * or to taste


Blanch green beans: Boil a pot of water, add salt. Once at a full boil add beans and boil until bright green and a tender crisp approx 2 minutes. Drain and place in a boil of ice water to stop cooking and then drain once again. From there, I like to place the beans on a clean kitchen towel to dry off.

While the beans are drying, mix together the coconut aminos, sesame oil, sea salt and pepper flakes. Pour on top of the beans and mix well and sprinkle with sesame seeds and add more sea and red pepper flakes if needed/desired. I think this is best chilled in the fridge over night or for a few hours before eating.

* Note: Best made with fresh green beans from your farmers market when available. Although, not currently in season. I recently bought a giant bag of frozen organic green beans at Costco and they tasted delicious for this recipe.

Enjoy mindfully! While slowly chewing your food, approx 20-30 chews. Place your fork down between bites, take in deep breaths, close your eyes and think about the taste and the smell of each bite.

In health,


This is where we were supposed to be camping and this would be closest we would get to the Kalalau Beach, that trip.

This is where we were supposed to be camping and this would be closest we would get to the Kalalau Beach, that trip.



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